2024 Christmas Set. Red
Are you looking to personalize your Christmas tree with elegance? Our set of red Christmas ornaments will be the perfect choice to add that special touch. Hang the matte white porcelain bell and bauble in every corner and immerse yourself in the enchanting Christmas atmosphere these wonderful ornaments create. If you wish, you can also opt to decorate other parts of your house with these marvelous ornaments.
お客様相談窓口は現在ご対応できません。営業時間は月曜日から金曜日の10:00~18:30(週末、祝日、元日を除く)です。 恐れ入りますが、ご連絡先をお知らせいただければ、担当者がご対応いたします。ご不便をおかけいたしますことをお詫び申し上げます。
Our set of red Christmas ornaments will also be an excellent choice if you are thinking of giving a gift during this time of year. A memorable present for your loved ones, they will remember it for its unparalleled beauty and the metallic red engraving of the year 2024. A gift that stands the test of time. Every time your friends or family decorate their tree or space with these treasures, they will think of you and the happy moments they shared with you.
- 送料無料(一部除外)
- 通常3~4営業日以内にお届け
- ご不明点・作品のお問い合わせはsupport@jp.lladro.comにお問い合わせください。
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- ご不明な点がございましたら、日本カスタマーサービスまでお問い合わせください。
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