Becas Lladró, La Scola d' Art i Superior de Ceràmica de Manises Becas Lladró, La Scola d' Art i Superior de Ceràmica de Manises

Open call for a future generation of porcelain artists

The brand from Valencia ensures the continuity of its legacy and the preservation of the craft of porcelain.

Each one of the brand’s creations is the result of know-how, creativity and innovation within a craft process passed on from masters to apprentices for more of seventy years.

Artesano trabajando sobre una pieza de porcelana

Lladró is passion for craftsmanship, a vocation that has made the brand from Valencia a world leader in the design, manufacturing and distribution of porcelain creations in over 100 countries around the world. The process of metamorphosis that transforms the material into dreams involves a team of the best sculptors and artisans in the country, able to make each piece with absolute mastery through a complex artisan process that combines age-old techniques with constant research and development in its palette of colors.

The craft legacy, which encompasses methods, techniques, training and experience, is passed on from masters to apprentices in order to preserve the tradition and mastery in porcelain which has underpinned Lladró for more of seventy years.

Lladró Scholarships, a commitment with promising young talent in crafts

True to its mission to preserve the legacy of craftsmanship, which is renewed and evolves while maintaining its original spirit, Lladró has set up the Lladró Scholarships in conjunction with EASC, the Manises School of Ceramics. The brand from Valencia is introducing a program of training placements in collaboration with this prestigious school, a pioneer in teaching visual arts and design in ceramics and artistic ceramics.

The brand is offering a total of four scholarships, reaffirming Lladró’s commitment with the tradition that is passed down from generation to generation. Two scholarships are for the degree course in Higher Arts Education in Ceramics and two are for the course in Senior Technician in Artistic Ceramics.

The purpose of the training program is to ensure that students get a rounded overall background in ceramics; to facilitate first-hand knowledge of working methods in a real-life professional environment; to favor the development of technical, methodological, personal and participative skills; to obtain practical experience that will prepare students for the labor market; and to pass on the values of innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship, the basic concepts behind Lladró’s know-how.

Proceso artesanal de Lladró
Proceso artesanal de Lladró
Proceso artesanal de Lladró
Proceso artesanal de Lladró

Lladró Scholarships

Degree in Higher Arts Education in Ceramics

Talleres de Lladró

Lladró offers two scholarships for this degree course: one for the technology curriculum and one for the creative curriculum, corresponding to the payment of 60 credits in the degree course in Higher Arts Education in Ceramics, plus 300 euros (gross) for the completion of a placement in Lladró.

The training program, overseen by a tutor from Lladró and another from the School of Ceramics, shall include activities giving students appropriate professional practice, that will round off their theoretical and practical classes.

The placement at the Lladró headquarters shall have a maximum duration of 250 curriculum hours and will take place when be agreed by both parties.

Senior Technician in Artistic Ceramics

Pieza de porcelana siendo desmoldada

Lladró offers a further two scholarships: for 100% of the enrolment fees for the second year in Senior Technician in Artistic Ceramics, plus 300 euros (gross) for the completion of a placement in Lladró.

The training program shall include activities that will allow students to obtain appropriate professional practice, to gain further control and insights into the skills required to reproduce artistic and functional ceramics, in step with the artistic porcelain production techniques from the vision of Lladró.

These practices, which include a placement in the company’s headquarters, consist of 100 curriculum hours.


Anyone interested in applying for the scholarships should send an application form with a covering letter explaining expectations for the course, as well as a résumé, portfolio, academic record, copy of personal ID, and proof of enrolment. Applications must be sent until September 17th, 2024.Interviews will be held until September 25. The list of chosen applicants will be published in the last week of September.

Flores de porcelana
Logos Generalitat Valenciana