Imaginary Flowers Collection

Porcelain scent diffusers. The plant world is an endless source of inspiration for Lladró artists. Its infinite organic forms and tones of color give rise to these designs of imaginary flowers that function as exquisite scent diffusers.
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상상의 꽃 II 퍼퓸 디퓨저 - 발렌시아의 정원 in Lladró
상상의 꽃 III 퍼퓸 디퓨저 - 발렌시아의 정원 in Lladró
상상의 꽃 I 퍼퓸 디퓨저 - 발렌시아의 정원 in Lladró
Set Imaginary Flowers in Lladró

4 Items