Design Sculptures

Yet again, this year we have prepared a selection of the most contemporary gifts to celebrate Diwali. Creations to express the love for design handcrafted in porcelain.
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The Flamingos Sculpture. Pink in Lladró
Macaw bird Sculpture. Red-Gold. Limited Edition in Lladró
Macaw Bird Sculpture. Black-Gold. Limited Edition in Lladró
Gorilla Sculpture. Metallic red. Limited Edition in Lladró
Macaw bird Cyborg Sculpture in Lladró
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Rhino Cyborg Sculpture in Lladró
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Rhino - Underwater Sculpture in Lladró
Elephant - Underwater Sculpture in Lladró
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Panther Sculpture. Golden in Lladró
Panther (silver) Sculpture in Lladró
Panther Sculpture. Glazed Black in Lladró
Panther Sculpture in Lladró
Panther Sculpture. Metallic red in Lladró
Panther Sculpture. Black matte in Lladró
Panther Sculpture. Blue matte in Lladró
Panther Sculpture. Coral matte in Lladró
Bull Sculpture. Metallic red in Lladró
Bull Sculpture. Black matte in Lladró
Embraced (Pink) Sculpture in Lladró
Elephant Sculpture. Black matte in Lladró
Koala Sculpture. Black-gold. Limited Edition in Lladró
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Owl Sculpture. Black-gold. Limited Edition in Lladró
Toucan Sculpture. Black-gold. Limited Edition in Lladró
Rhino Sculpture. Black-gold. Limited Edition in Lladró