Gita Saar

Gita Saar is an incredible creation. The impeccable treatment of porcelain by Lladró artists makes it the perfect material to tell the story of the lessons on life and death Krishna gave to the brave archer Arjuna.
The epic poem tells how, before the battle in which the Kauravas were going to fight the Pandavas, Lord Krishna wisely answered the archer Arjuna’s questions on the reasons for war and for death … The dialogue between the two, addressing great ethical dilemmas, gave rise to this sublime High Porcelain composition.
Handcrafted process
Gita Saar es una escena cargada de simbolismo para la que los artistas de Lladró han recurrido a los mejores recursos técnicos y creativos. Un trabajo ornamental minucioso que se combina con acabados en porcelana brillo y mate, lustres dorados y tratamientos metalizados que realzan diferentes partes de las vestiduras, el carruaje y los arreos de los caballos.
Spirit of India
Spirit of India collection captures the values and the attributes of the Hindu iconography.