Women Figurines

Our sculptures of women portray the multiple, diverse and varied facets of the world of women. Women as a symbol of strength, intelligence and passion, beyond mother, lover, wife, sweetheart or a representation of beauty. Women are all this and much more. Lladró’s sculptures of women include creations inspired by history, everyday life, sports… and offer visions of all ages, cultures and situations, a true reflection of life. Yet these sculptures all share in common the delicacy and sensibility with which are made, the quality of the modelling, the decoration and the precise detailed craftsmanship with which the porcelain is worked. Each one of these sculptures of women is an homage to all women, to their many ways of being beautiful, strong, tender, elegant and bold. To all the ways of being a woman.
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Beauty with dragon tattoo Woman Figurine in Lladró

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Lladró sculptures of women are as varied as the sources of inspiration we use when developing our creations. In our collection of sculptures of women, you will find historical figurines, childhood scenes, period ladies, characters from faraway cultures, classic nudes … and equally varied focuses and styles: from the most traditional creations to the most innovative and contemporary designs.

A range of options as rich and varied as the world of women they represent. This diversity of options gives you all kinds of possibilities, depending on the sculpture you are looking for. In our collection you will find options to decorate different styles of interiors, from the most classic to the most contemporary, pieces that are ideal for celebrating a family event or as the perfect gift for that special loved one. Discover your favorite sculpture of women, the Lladró work that has a special meaning for you.